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How a Dental Abscess Can Be Life Threatening

Posted on 2/22/2021 by Pacific Maxillofacial Center
How a Dental Abscess Can Be Life ThreateningAn infection or injury can result in an abscess forming in your mouth. Abscesses are sacs filled with pus, and they are usually painful. These pockets of pus can appear on your gums or at the root of a tooth, often due to untreated gum disease or another type of oral infection. If you do not seek treatment for a dental abscess, it can be very dangerous and even fatal. Read on to learn more about dental abscesses and how they are treated.

What Happens If an Abscess is Not Treated?

It is important to seek treatment for a dental abscess right away, even if it is not causing you severe pain or other symptoms. A dental abscess is not something that will disappear after a few days. Abscesses usually form due to an infection, and if left untreated, the infection can continue to spread further down in your tooth or gums, to your jawbone and other parts of your body. Spreading infections put you at risk for serious complications including sepsis, which can be life-threatening. Sepsis occurs when your body attacks its own tissues and organs in an attempt to fight an infection. A fever, chills, and difficulty breathing are signs that the infection has begun to spread, and you should get help immediately.

Dental Abscess Treatment

Treatment for a dental abscess involves a few steps. First, we need to drain the abscess. Then we need to deeply clean the area and treat the infection that caused the abscess to form in the first place. This could involve a root canal, antibiotics, or other treatments. If you notice a swollen lump on your gums, sharp or stabbing pain, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, or other new discomfort, you may have a dental abscess. Come see us right away so we can treat the abscess and prevent life-threatening complications.
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