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Danger Of Diabetes To Your Oral Health

Posted on 1/9/2023 by Pacific Maxillofacial Center
Danger Of Diabetes To Your Oral HealthThe link between oral health issues and diabetes is the amount of blood sugar present in your system. If your blood sugar is poorly regulated, oral health complications are likely to follow. This is the case because uncontrolled diabetes compromises the white blood cells, which are largely involved in fighting off bacterial infections in the mouth cavity.

Doctors have established that regulating blood sugar levels can greatly reduce the chance of developing organ complications as a result of diabetes, and the same applies when it comes to reducing the chances of oral health complications.

Oral health complications linked to diabetes

Unregulated diabetes can lower the flow of saliva into your mouth, causing you to have a dry mouth. The dry mouth can then worsen and cause tooth decay, ulcers, soreness, or other infections.

Diabetes can also cause blood vessels to thicken over time. This slows down the movement of nutrients and body wastes to and from the body tissues, and this includes the mouth cavity. This coupled with the weakened white blood cells means that your body cannot fight off infections effectively. Periodontal disease being a bacterial infection, can thus become frequent and more severe in individuals with uncontrolled diabetes.

Individuals living with diabetes who regularly take antibiotics to combat infections in their bodies become susceptible to developing fungal infections in their tongues and mouths. These types of fungus thrive in conditions where the glucose levels are high in the mouth, as a result of uncontrolled diabetes. Wearing dentures over prolonged periods can also encourage fungal infections to develop.

Person's living with diabetes and smoking are at an increased risk of developing periodontal disease and thrush. Persons living with diabetes should do their best to ensure that they have normal blood sugar levels and consult our team of professionals to safeguard their oral health.
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Pacific Maxillofacial Center, 1060 Young Street #312, Honolulu, HI 96814; 808-585-8455;; 2/7/2025; Key Phrases: Dental Implants Honolulu;